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sometimes when we meditate

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Cover of “sometimes when we meditate”, page 1, illustrated in black and white ink brush-style art.

Page 2 of sometimes when we meditate.

Page 3 of sometimes when we meditate.

Page 4 of sometimes when we meditate.

Page 5 of sometimes when we meditate.

Page 6 of sometimes when we meditate.

Page 7 of sometimes when we meditate.

Page 8 of sometimes when we meditate.

Page 9 of sometimes when we meditate.

Page 10 of sometimes when we meditate.


Page 1: 1 small quiet somewhere - “sometimes when we meditate” by Maiji/Mary Huang. A small hamster-like creature, holds a padded stick - an inviter - against a standing bell for meditation that looks like a large black bowl.

Page 2: A pair of hands place the standing bell on the ground. An inviter lightly taps the rim of the bell with a “gohnk” sound, then with a firmer tap. The bell sounds with a solid, resonant “Gong” that wraps around the bell like inky waves.

Page 3: The sound of the bell continues wrapping around environment. Kanthaka, who appears to be a Buddhist monk centaur, and Little Yì, a small hamster-like creature, sit in peaceful meditation side by side on a wide wooden porch, shaded by a tiled roof.

Page 4: Little Yì opens one eye, then another, and looks up. Then it starts to move impatiently, wiggling around in its seat, flopping face down against the floor when a “whumff”, then rolls around its meditation cushion with “kolong kolong” rolling sounds.

Page 5: Little Yì wanders all over the page, and eventually wanders off. Kanthaka opens his eyes slightly and then closes them again as Little Yì returns in a hamster wheel. The wheel rattles noisily around the area with “katta katta” rattling sounds, periodically running into the bell with a clonk and setting off another a gong. 

Page 6: Eventually the wheel comes to a stop and Little Yì pads back to its cushion. It bows its head for a bit, then looks over at Kanthaka. It wanders over to Kanthaka’s side.

Page 7: Little Yì snuggles up into a ball, tucked between Kanthaka’s belly and leg. A hand reaches down.

Page 8: The hand gentle scoops Little Yì up. Kanthaka looks down.
Kanthaka: How are you feeling?

Page 9: Little Yì looks up, upside down, at Kanthaka.
Little Yì: mmmmm, a little better
Kanthaka smiles.

Page 10: Side view of Kanthaka meditating peaceful with Little Yì scooped in his hands, surrounded by the meditation bell, Little Yì’s tiny cushion, and the hamster wheel. End.

Author's notes

Sometimes when I meditate, my mind feels very much like Little Yì.
